Is it possible to automatically generate (export) a view for a PC and automatically save (POST request for example) it somewhere?

There is a graph on a PC which is visible normally but on a mobile phone, everything is compressed and nothing is visible :( There are @rules in ZingChart, but this still leads to a greatly simplified chart Is it possible to somehow get the "PC view" in the form of a picture (PNG), automatically and then show it for the phone? ZingChart has an option "view as PNG", but this is "manual mode". Is there something similar, but in automatic mode? Generate (export) a view for a PC and automatically save (POST request for example) somewhere?

Yes, it's possible to get a PNG graph automatically. You might want to look into using an "export server," which is an online resource used to convert the chart into static formats. Please read here for more details on the export server.

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