ZingChart: Token List
Full Token List
Token |
Description |
'%chart-height' |
The chart's height. |
'%chart-width' |
The chart's width. |
'%data-' |
Format for custom tokens. The custom token is defined in the plot or series object as an attribute or array using the "data" prefix, e.g., data-fullname or data-extracredit. It is then recalled in the tooltips, value boxes, or crosshair plot labels, e.g., %data-fullname or %data-extracredit |
'%graphid' |
The id# string of the chart in a graphset. |
'%hits' |
The number of times that the word occurs in the cloud. |
'%id' |
The dom ID of the chart. |
'%joined-value' |
The joined value between two sets. |
'%node-count' |
The total number of nodes (or data points) in the plot. |
'%node-error-minus' |
Error Bars only: the value of the negative error. Refer to the Error Bars Tutorial for more information. |
'%node-error-plus' |
Error Bars only: the value of the positive error. Refer to the Error Bars Tutorial for more information. |
'%node-goal-value' |
'%node-index' |
The index number of the current node. |
'%node-percent-value' |
Funnel and Pie Charts only: the percentage of the current node value relative to the sum of all nodes. |
'%node-value' |
Node value. |
'%node-value-stock-close' |
The closing (OHLC) node value. |
'%node-value-stock-high' |
The highest (OHLC) node value. |
'%node-value-stock-low' |
The lowest (OHLC) node value. |
'%node-value-stock-open' |
The opening (OHLC) node value. |
'%node-x' |
The x-coordinate pixel position, relative to the top-left corner of the chart. |
'%node-y' |
The y-coordinate pixel position, relative to the top-left corner of the chart. |
'%offset-values' |
The offset value at a specific node. |
'%output-percent-value' |
The percentage of the current node value relative to the previous node value. |
'%paired-node-value' |
The value of the next set. With Set 1, its pair is 2; with Set 2, its pair is 3; and with Set 3, its pair is 1. Refer to the Venn Diagram Tutorial for more information. |
'%paired-plot-text' |
The text of the next set. With Set 1, its pair is 2; with Set 2, its pair is 3; and with Set 3, its pair is 1. Refer to the Venn Diagram Tutorial for more information. |
'%pie-total-value' |
The sum of all the pie slice values. |
'%plot-#-value' |
Standalone Labels only: the node value of a specified plot, provided in the following format: %plot-plot number-value, e.g., %plot-0-value. Note that plot numbering begins at zero. |
'%plot-average' |
The average value of the nodes in the current plot. |
'%plot-count' |
The total number of plots (or datasets). |
'%plot-description' |
The description of the current plot, pulled from the description attribute in the plot/series object. |
'%plot-index' |
The index number of the current plot. |
'%plot-max-index' |
The highest node index number in the current plot. |
'%plot-max-value' |
The highest node value in the current plot. |
'%plot-min-index' |
The lowest node index number in the current plot. |
'%plot-min-value' |
The lowest node value in the current plot. |
'%plot-percent' |
The percentage value of the node, relative to the sum of all nodes in that plot. Remember to use the decimals attribute to specify the number of decimal places displayed. |
'%plot-sum' |
The sum of the node values in the current plot. |
'%plot-text' |
The text of the current plot, pulled from the text attribute in the plot/series object. |
'%plot-text-#' |
The text of a specified plot, pulled from the text attribute in the plot/series object. |
'%plot-values' |
A list of all the node values in the current plot. |
'%scale-index' |
Displays the scale-x or scale-y index. Only works on objects directly associated to a scale. |
'%scale-key-label' |
Displays the x-axis scale label, pulled from the labels array in the scale-x object. If no labels, the token defaults to display the unparsed value. |
'%scale-key-label-#' |
Displays the x-axis scale label for a specific node, pulled from the labels array in the scale-x object. If no labels, the token defaults to display the unparsed value. |
'%scale-key-text' |
Displays the parsed x-axis scale value. If no values, the token defaults to display parsed label data. |
'%scale-key-text-#' |
Displays the parsed x-axis scale value for a specific node. If no values, the token defaults to display parsed label data. |
'%scale-key-value' |
Displays the parsed (formatted, transformed) x-axis scale value. Ignores labels. |
'%scale-key-value-#' |
Displays the parsed (formatted, transformed) x-axis scale value for a specific node. Ignores labels. |
'%scale-label' |
Displays the scale-x or scale-y text label. This can be different than the scale values, especially for scale-x. |
'%scale-value-label' |
Displays the y-axis scale label, pulled from the labels array in the scale-y object. |
'%scale-value-text' |
Displays the unparsed y-axis scale value. |
'%scale-value-value' |
Displays the parsed (i.e., formatted, transformed) y-axis scale value. Ignores labels. |
'%shared-value' |
The shared value between three sets. Refer to the Venn Diagram Tutorial for more information. |
'%stack-average' |
The average value of stacked bars. |
'%stack-length' |
The number of stacked bars. |
'%stack-total' |
The total value of stacked bars. |
'%text' |
'%text' |
'%total' |
Stacked Charts only: the total value of the current stack. |
'%v0' |
'%v1' |
'%v2' |
'%value-size' |
Token List For Searchability
%chart-height, %chart-width, %data-_____, %data-bubble, %data-day, %data-info#, %data-pie, %data-pv, %data-v, %graphid, %hits, %id, %joined-value, %long-text, %text, %node-count, %N, %node-error-minus, %node-error-plus, %node-goal-value, %g, %node-index, %n, (%i - not documented), %node-max-value, %node-min-value, %node-percent-value, %npv, %node-size-value, %node-value, %v 1, (%node-value)(#)(#), %node-value-stock-close, %close, %node-value-stock-high, %high, %node-value-stock-low, %low, %node-value-stock-open, %open, %node-x, %node-y, %output-percent-value, %paired-node-value, %paired-plot-text, %pie-total-value, %plot-#-value, %plot-average, %pavg, %plot-count, %P, %plot-description, %plot-index, %p, %plot-min-index, %pmi, %plot-min-value, %pmv, %plot-max-index, %pxi, %plot-max-value, %pxv, %plot-percent, %pper, %plot-sum, %psum, %plot-text, %t, %plot-value, %plot-values, %pv, %scale-key-label, %kl, %scale-key-text, %kt, %scale-key-value, %kv, %scale-value, %v2, %scale-value-label, %y, %scale-value-text, %vt, %scale-value-text(#), %vt(#), %scale-value-value, %vv, %shared-value, %short-text, %text, %total