ZingChart: What license is the best fit for my project?
It depends on whether you are creating charts for a publicly accessible website (such as an informational blog), an internal application used by your employees, an external application accessed by outside users, or a software product that is installed by and/or distributed to your customers. It also depends on the number of applications you plan to create (single, multiple, or unlimited).
Browse our Pricing page for an overview and comparison of the licenses we offer. The below documents provide more in-depth information for each license type.
Website License: for use on a single domain, publicly accessible website
Internal License: for use on a single domain internal application
SaaS License ( annual or perpetual): for use on a single domain external application
Enterprise License: for unlimited internal applications and domain anonymity
OEM License (inquire): for use on a single software product, priced based on the number of products distributed/installed
Universal License (inquire): for multiple software products with an unlimited number of distributions, domain anonymity, and partnership on development
Depending on the project breadth, the number of developers on your team, and/or the level of support required, you can purchase support in a variety of ways. ZingChart offers product-level support for questions and troubleshooting. We offer premium-level support for advanced consulting and development help beyond charting. Our team is also available for online or on-site training.
Chat with us (see bottom-right corner of the page) or email sales@zingchart.com to learn more.